Cheek fillers are a great way to restore youth and vitality to a tired droopy face. Mid-face volume loss is one occurs as we age, this brings about structural changes that significantly alter our facial appearance beyond just the mid-face.

Restoring cheek volume with dermal fillers is a fantastic way to rejuvenate the face and can help with many of the signs of ageing in people of all age groups.

As well as reversing the ageing signs cheek fillers can enhance and individuals appearance by helping create a youthful curve to the cheeks and can be used to enhance the overall shape of the face.

Treatment effects last from 6 – 8 months.

Tear troughs, naso-labial folds, marionette lines, cheek jowls and jaw-line laxity are all ageing features which can result directly or indirectly from volume loss in the cheeks.


Before and After

Coming Soon!

Total time approximately 30 minutes

  1. Consent and photographs
  2. Skin is prepared with antiseptic
  3. Skin may be marked with chalk marker
  4. Injections of Restylane product chosen specifically for your face
  5. Moulding of filler to achieve desired volumisation and lifting

Post Procedure Management

  • Bruising and redness may occur
  • Avoid touching the skin or any application of products for 24 hours
  • Avoid vigorous exercise, sauna and swimming for 24 hours
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
  • Paracetamol for analgesia


  • Pain, bruising, bleeding (common)
  • Inflammation (rare)
  • Infection (rare)
  • Pigmentation increase or decrease (rare)
  • Local or systemic migration of filler


First 1ml vial of Restylane Perlane = £250

Each additional 1ml vial of Restylane Perlane = £150