The Obagi Blue Skin Peel is a popular chemical peel containing trichloroacetic acid which can dramatically improve the complexion by reducing uneven pigmentation, fine lines, scars and blemishes. A blue dye is used to help ensure even and consistent spread of the peel over all areas being treated.

The product is not sold to individuals but through specialist doctor led clinics to ensure the process is completed as per guidelines suggested by the manufacturer, to avoid potential skin damage.


Treatment requires 3 sessions with 4 weeks between each. Effects last from 6 – 8 months.

Obagi Blue Skin Peel is mixed with a company-designed proprietary blue base that gives a bluish tint to the skin after the procedure is complete and remains on the skin for a period of 12 to 24 hours before it completely washes off.


Before and After

Coming Soon!


Total time approximately 20 minutes

1.  Consent and photographs
2.  Skin is prepared with antiseptic
3.  Application of Obagi Blue chemical peel
4.  Application of cool air
5.  Application of neutralising agent and sun block

Post Procedure Management

  • Redness and peeling of skin may occur
  • Avoid touching the skin or any application of products for 24 hours
  • Avoid vigorous exercise, sauna and swimming for 24 hours
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
  • Paracetamol for analgesia


  • Peeling of skin (common)
  • Inflammation (rare)
  • Infection (rare)
  • Pigmentation increase or decrease (rare)
  • Sun damage (if direct exposure and no protection)


Single treatment session from £300 (recommended 3 treatments with 4 weeks apart)